Primary medium: OIL ON CANVAS

Working in a diverse
range of mediums, from painting in oils & watercolour &
utilising all manner of drawing media to carving in both
timber & stone, due to the feeling that each medium has
it's own voice or ability to visually vocalise .
I found
that art provided a means of entering into a
relationship with myself & the world both within &
around me. It allowed me to tap into the feeling that
there was more to life than what I was simply told or
taught to believe. As a child that grew up with my head
in the clouds I didn't seem to have a way to communicate
my feelings about myself or my place in the world. I
found words & general conversation to be a fence that
kept me locked in or out as it often was & art became
for me the breaking down of those 'fences' & the ability
to communicate in a direct way without the entanglement
& constriction of words.
My work has always
been informed by my inner world & my love & connection
to animals & the natural world in it's myriad of forms.
My interest in consciousness , evolution, physics & the
vibratory reality behind matter, shamanism, meditation &
altered & ecstatic states of consciousness are all
employed in an attempt to taste & translate the
invisible worlds within, which for me is the seat of